We strive to recognize the good in all of our students. We have weekly assemblies where students are praised and recognized for exhibiting IAC — In control, Awareness, and Caring. In addition, we often hold all-school assemblies where we recognize students who...
The first and eighth grade students had a fantastic time learning about micro-climates, dunes formations, and a little bit of history during their time at the Saugatuck Dune Rides.
We had so much fun at the Celebration of Arts show last week. We hope you enjoy this great photo montage that Ms. Jennifer put together for us. Posted by Innocademy Allegan Campus on Saturday, June 15, 2019 The students had a fantastic time showing off their visual...
As many of know, legislation has recently passed stating that for this year only, instructional days may be counted on the days in which the Governor declared a state of emergency because of adverse weather conditions. The Governor has signed the legislation;...
Ms. Rachel’s friends recently had a sweet week. They visited the sugar bush at Van Raatle Farm and learned about the maple syrup process and how it’s changed over the years. Then, back at school, they did a five senses challenge comparing maple syrup to corn...
Mr. Jake’s and Ms. Jennifer’s classes had a great time recently learning about how Holland uses natural gas to supply energy to all of Holland. This plant uses less fuel than most plants and is able to produce more electricity. The students were fascinated to learn...