Break Week
Just a reminder our last break week of the year is next week. Once we return to school June 3, we will only have classes Monday through Thursday until our last day on June 26th. Anyone else feel like this year has just flown by?
Bus Riders
Reminder that it is very important if your child is being picked up by someone other than yourself, you let the office know before 2:30 p.m.
LSSU Field Trip
Our 3rd and 4th graders went up to LSSU this week. They rode over the Mackinac Bridge, explored museums, played games in the dorms and just had a ton of fun together.
IAC has been working hard to improve attendance in our school this year. We are so proud of all the kiddos who were present every day in April and May. Be sure to ask your student if they received a special certificate at our assembly today.