We enjoyed a visit from Ms. Lisa Collier, from AAESA. She read to our kindergarten class. Our 3rd through 8th grade students enjoy a visit to the Saugatuck Center of the Arts Family Film Festival. Our student council purchased our school new soccer goals. Kindergarten students enjoyed their field to Degraaf Nature Cdenter.

Parent Teacher Conferences
You can sign up here:https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0e4ca4a723aaf4ce9-spring

No School
There is no school this Friday, April 1st through April 8th for spring break.

Tree Seedling Sale
IAC’s tree seedling sale orders are due April 15th.

Cereal Drive
In partnership with Allegan County community Foundation, we will be collecting boxes of cereal. Please help by sending in boxes of cereal, when we return from spring break. For more information, please go to their website: https://alleganfoundation.org/cereal-drive/

2022/2023 School Calendar

Friday Bake Sale
Each Friday, IAC will hold a bake sale with each item costing $2.50. All proceeds go towards the LSSU and St. Louis Field trips to keep costs down for our students.

Upcoming Events
Middle school students have a field trip on April 28th to Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village. Please save the date for our 8th-grade graduation which will be held on June 22nd at 5:00 PM. Kindergarten through fourth grade will have a field trip to John Ball Zoo on June 8th.

Calendar Update
There has been a calendar change to this school year. Because of low attendance on the last two half days, they did not count towards our calendar year. Therefore, we will need to add two half days on Friday, June 10th, and Friday, June 17th.

Covid Information