Opportunity for Middle School Students

We wanted to share that one of the iCademy Community Passport partners has generously offered to host a few 2 day courses for our middle school and high school students! 
Courses will be from 8am – 10am on November 22nd, 23rd and 24th. Please take a peek at the attached flyer for more details on course offerings and registration details.
You can register your middle/high schooler for courses by going to THIS LINK. You will notice that the courses are designed for students from 11-18 years old. At this time we are only offering them to our middle/high school students.
Questions? Please contact Mr. Tyler at tyler.huizenga@icademyglobal.org.

Fennville Community Recreation Sports



21-22 Winter Boys Rec Basketball5/6th Grade. This is a six-week program that includes one or two practices per week and games each Saturday. Games will be scheduled by the Lakeshore League and practices will be scheduled by coaches. After teams are formed, teams will travel to compete against other area Lakeshore teams. Coaches will contact parents in early December to communicate team placements and practice and game schedules.  Jersey cost is extra if not purchased from previous year.
3/4th grade This is a six-week program that includes one practice per week and one game each Saturday. Games will be scheduled by Fennville Rec and practices will be scheduled by coaches. After registration, your child will be placed at random on a team. Coaches will contact parents in early December to communicate team placement and practice and game schedules. Registration includes a team t-shirt .

21-22 Winter Girls Rec Basketball5/6th Grade. This is a six-week program that includes one or two practices per week and games each Saturday. Games will be scheduled by the Lakeshore League and practices will be scheduled by coaches. After teams are formed, teams will travel to compete against other area Lakeshore teams. Coaches will contact parents in early December to communicate team placements and practice and game schedules. Jersey cost is extra if participant does not have one from previous year.
3/4th grade This is a six-week program that includes one practice per week and one game each Saturday. Games will be scheduled by Fennville Rec and practices will be scheduled by coaches. After registration, your child will be placed at random on a team. Coaches will contact parents in early December to communicate team placement and practice and game schedules. Registration includes a team t-shirt.

Sock Drive

Thanks so much to everyone who has donated socks so far. Our tree is looking great! We will collect them until December 14th. Each pair of socks is one point for your student’s classroom. The class with the most point by December 14th will win a pizza party! As of Wednesday, November 17th, Ms. Jessica’s class has 54 points, Mrs. Mead’s clasas has 48 points, Ms. Michelle’s has 38 points, Ms. Carrie’s has 24 points, and Mr. Zach’s class has a whopping 67 points! Keep bringing in those socks!

December Menu


As you know, our end in mind is to keep our students healthy and learning in person.
With confirmed Covid-19 cases on the rise in Allegan County, we are asking that you please remain vigilant in doing a quick check-in with your kiddos before sending them to school each morning.
If your child has…
Any ONE of these:

  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Loss of taste/smell
  • Confusion or change in mental status
  • Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
  • Pale, gray, or blue-colored skin, lips or nail beds, depending on skin tone
  • Inability to wake or stay awake

Any TWO of these:

  • Fever of 100.4 or feeling feverish
  • Chills
  • Rigors
  • Muscle aches
  • Sore throat
  • Diarrhea
  • Nausea/vomiting
  • Congestion or Runny nose
  • Headache
  • Fatigue

As always, report absences to iac-attendance@innocademy.com or call 269-561-4050.


1. Send email to one of the following:

  • iac-attendance@innocademy.com
  • reita.jaseph@innocademy.com
  • Nathan.prong@innocademy.com
  • 2.  Include in the email…

    • date of symptom onset
    • date of positive test result
    • vaccination status of student as that impacts time out of school, if at all

    3.  Expect to get an email reply within 24 hours on the next steps…in the meantime please keep your child(ren) homeThank you for your help and continued support.

    School Calendar