Walk through this super helpful INTERACTIVE FLOW CHART anytime you have a question about whether or not your child should attend school because they are experiencing symptoms of Covid-19 or have had a possible exposure.
As always, if your child is suffering from any of the symptoms, below, that are NOT related to seasonal allergies, they should be kept home until symptoms are no longer present without the use of medication.
- Cough
- Runny nose and/or congestion
- Tired and/or achy
- Short of breath
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- New loss of taste and or smell
The middle school students took time out of their day to enjoy the beautiful weather this week!

Mrs. Mead’s class spent time learning about the importance of voting in a democratic society.

MPORTANT – Remote Learning Information Needed From EVERY Family – Due November 11th
First, thank you for helping our in-person launch go as well as it could! We are grateful we’ve had two solid months, and counting, with your kids at school learning and growing. While we implement, daily, our health and safety protocols to remain in person, we are continually preparing for any need to move to remote learning from home should we have a COVID outbreak that would warrant closure. We are striving for 100% of families to complete this survey by Wednesday, Nov. 11th to help us in our preparations. Thank you for your feedback and partnership!
Psst…You will also need to read the following information regarding the IAC Student Acceptable Use Policy. This is a question on the the survey, so completing the survey indicates your agreement; there is no need to print a copy and sign.
IAC Student-Acceptable Use Policy: 20-21
Parent Perception Survey – Due November 11th
Each year we survey our Innocademy Families, students, and staff to gather input on how the year is going so far. Once the perception data is gathered, we analyze the results and develop strategies to further grow our program as well as celebrate our successes. This process is a component of our Comprehensive Needs Assessment which drives our School Improvement Plan. We value your input! Thank you for taking time to complete the PARENT PERCEPTION SURVEY on or before November 11th.
As an IES family, we value all the members of our community and have a heart to give to those who are struggling. Because of living amidst a pandemic, and with the holiday seasons approaching, we know that there are many people who may need assistance in one way or another.
If you are an Innocademy Zeeland, Innocademy Allegan, iCademy Global, Precademy or Las Huellas family and you need help with food/gas/clothes/gifts/etc. OR if you know of a family in need, please reach out to Deedee DeFrell at deedee.defrell@icademyglobal.org by FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13th and she will send you a form to collect your information.
All names will be kept confidential.
Please note that we will dismiss at noon on Friday, November 13, for an IES cross-school teacher collaborative work and planning session. A sack lunch will be provided for all students prior to dismissal.
Every year we have an open house or curriculum night where, among other things, we explain how our Title I funds are spent and what it means to be a School-Wide Title school. Because we are unable to meet in person, please CLICK HERE to view a short presentation on Title I. Let Marty know if you have any questions.
On October 22, 20202, the Allegan County superintendents published a letter for the community praising the efforts of COVID-19 mitigation efforts and encouraging everyone to continue following the health department guidelines. Please click HERE to read the letter.
Please continue to encourage your child(ren) to properly wear their masks all day long. Some of their masks are just plumb tuckered out from the daily wear and are giving up by sliding down their little faces. If you wouldn’t mind taking a moment this weekend to check your child’s masks for proper fit, that would be fantastic. Maybe even keeping a spare in their backpacks if they’d like to switch them out midway through the day – – or if one is feeling uncomfortable.
Again, your efforts to keep our learning environment safe by adhering to strict mitigation protocols are remarkable and very appreciated. Our hearts go out to our close neighbors currently struggling with school closings. Please keep doing what you are doing so well… washing hands, maintaining social distance, wearing masks, and keeping a close eye on any potential COVID-19 symptoms your students may be exhibiting and then refraining from sending them to school. It’s truly our best strategy for preventing community-spread from affecting our ability to deliver in-person instruction.
Accurately tracking student attendance is extremely important. In an effort to simplify the process for notifying us of absences and/or tardiness, please use the following email address to let us know.
In addition, we are required to record the specific health reason of the absences. For example, please let us know the symptoms that your child is experiencing instead of just saying he/she is sick.
You may have noticed that we have several outdoor learning areas around the outside of our building. We are so excited to continue using these areas throughout the school year! Please help your child feel comfortable during these outdoor adventures by making sure they are dressing appropriately for the weather that day. We know this can often be a challenge! As a reminder, if the temperature and/or windchill brings a reading below 0 degrees, we will not be going outside. On all other days, please bundle up =).


Please be aware that if school is delayed/cancelled due to weather conditions, Innocademy will place notifications on Channel 8, Channel 13, and Facebook, as well as send an email and RainedOut text message to your family. You can sign up for automatic weather cancellation emails at woodtv.com. We generally follow Fennville Public School closings. If we post that there is a “Two Hour Delay”, it means that Innocademy will begin school at 10:45 am instead of 8:45 am. In this case, school will operate like normal including regular lunch and dismissal times.
Thank you for adhering to the Michigan Return to School Roadmap Guidelines and not entering the building with your students each day. If/when there is a time your child will be late or needs to leave early, please…
- Communicate as normal with your child’s classroom teacher and/or Ms. Reita at 269-561-4050.
- When you arrive, ring the doorbell outside of the building.
- Wait for your child outside .
Please see below to access the Family Resource Guide: Innocademy Allegan Campus Family Resource Guide 20-21Download