A few reminders…
- Please send snow clothes with your child everyday becasue we go outside even if it snows. Snow clothes include snow pants, warm coat, waterproof boots, waterproof gloves and a hat.
- If school is cancelled for any reason, a Rained Out message will be sent. Please make sure you are signed up to receive those messages. Simply click on the link above to get started. It will also be posted on our Facebook page and all the local media outlets.

- If your child is sick and you are unsure if you should send them, please consult the following chart or call our office. Kids must be fever free and vomit free for 24 hours before they may come back to school. Also, please let us know if your child is sick. Absences not called in go unexcused. You must call in every day of the absence as well.

December Menus

Holiday Coin Drive

Holiday Workshop
The entire school will be participating in a Holiday Workshop on December 21st. We are still in need of a few items to make sure this event can happen though. Please sign up using the link below if you are able to help. We really appreciate it!
IAC is changing things up this year and will be collecting coins instead of socks!