Break Week

Happy Break Week Innocademy Families! We will see you back in school Monday, September 11, 2023. Food Bags IAC is blessed to be a partner of Community First Lakeshore’s weekend food program. Last week we sent home a letter (on blue paper) asking if your family...


Hard to believe we are getting close to our first break week of the year. Reminder that we have no school September 1-8. We return on September 11 for a full week schedule, Monday through Friday. Attendance School begins promptly at 8:45 am. If your child arrives at...

Welcome Back!

We have had a great kickoff to our 23/24 school year at Innocademy Allegan Campus and look forward to making many memories with your kiddos over the next few months. Below you will find some general information to get you updated for the new school year. School Alerts...

Back to School

It is hard to believe, but in a few weeks the halls of IAC will be full of students again. To make sure you are prepared for the next school year, please see the important information below. We hope you enjoy the last few weeks of summer! 2023-2024 School Calendar...

Thanks for a great year!

Water/Color Day Thank you to everyone who donated supplies and volunteered their time at our Water/Color Day. The Elementary students had an amazing afternoon getting soaked! West Side Community Park The Staff at IAC were so excited to bring back the tradition of...

Break Week

Our last break week of the year begins tomorrow. Please remember that when we come back, we will not have school on Fridays. Yearbooks Yearbooks have been delivered. We do have some extra if you are interested, please send $10 cash to the front office. Save The Date...