Spring has officially sprung, so fingers crossed this is the last snowy recess post we will have this year!

Field Trips
We have some exciting field trips coming up this next month.
Book Day Field Trip on March 28 will conculde our March is Reading Month activities next week. All students from IAC will head downtown Fennville to the library and the book store with a stop at the park for some fun on the way.
Butterflies are Blooming Field Trip April 12 will take the Elementary kiddos to Fredrick Meijer Gardens to see the butterlfies exhibit. Please be sure to hand in your childs permission form and $10 by March 30.
Please keeo an eye out for information coming home about these experiences.
Lunch with Ms Shelly
These lucky friends got a special lunch with Ms Shelly because they were caught being IAC (In Control. Aware, Caring)!

April Menu

Half Day Bus Pick Up Changes
Please make note that we have revised our bus pick up times for half days. The new times are listed below.
12:10- Maple St.- Community Stop (Fennville)
12:15- Dogwood Mobile Home Park (Fennville)
12:20- Family Farm and Home (Allegan)
12:50- Linking Center (Pullman)