We hope you had a wonderful Winter Break and are ready to head back to school on Wednesday, January 4, 2023.

Outdoor Gear
Remember we love the outdoors at IAC and we spend time outside everyday. If the temperature drops below 50, we require our students to wear a coat outside It is very important to send a coat with them every day.
Here are some tips on how to help your students enjoy the Winter Season at a Nature Rich School:
-Please provide boots, snow pants and winter boots every day.
-Send an extra pair of “indoor shoes” these could be tennis shoes or simple slippers with hard soles.
-Send Golves- waterproof or possibly multiple pairs. your student has 2 recess times in addition to Nature Study Class and the knit gloves can get wet and cold by the end of the day.
If your family has any winter gear needs please contact us.

Sick Policy
Winter always brings some nasty germs with it. Please be aware of our Sick Policy. Children are not allowed to come back to school until they are fever and vomit free for 24 hours without medication.

January Lunch Menu

School Closings
Reminder that we used the RainedOut App, our Facebook page and local tv stations to annouce school closing information. Please make sure you are signed up to receive these notifications.
Join our Private Facebook Group just for IAC families.

RainedOut Text Messages
If you’ve not already signed up to receive a text for inclement weather, bus issues, or general reminders/emergencies, you may do so by following the directions, below:
1) open your text messages on your phone
2) in the “to” section type “84483”
3) in the message section type “InnoAllegan” (case sensitive)
4) press send and you will receive a message back that indicates you are now on the messaging list. Or, go to the RaindedOut website and register.