Our 3rd and 4th grade students had a wonderful time on their trip to the upper peninsula and visitng the LSSU campus. The went to museums, taquamenon Falls, the Soo Locks, and so much more! Thanks for allowing your children to experience adventures and grow their global mindset!
Spirit Week
Next week is spirit week! We are looking forward to seeing all the kids show their school spirit.

Bake Sale Update
We did not have a bake sale on May 20th. Our FINAL bake sale will be held next Friday, May 27th.

Field Day
IAC will be holding it’s field day on Monday, May 23rd. Please make sure your student is dressed for the weather and wearing comfortable clothes and shoes. We will be jump roping, running, playing Bocce ball, and making carnival masks,kites, and more. Our field day theme is around the world. They will be learning about various cultures.

Behavior & Kindness
We have recently seen an increase is behavior here at school. As we are all aware, children have been stressed throughout the course of the Covid pandemic. Please take time to read this artcle and speak with your children about their feelings and being kind to others.

Upcoming Trips
The middle school students will be taking a field trip to St. Louis on June 6,7, and 8th. Information has been sent home to parents.

John Ball Zoo Trip
Young Fives through fourth grade will visit John Ball Zoo on June 8th. The cost of the trip is $15 per student. Parents are welcome, but must drive and pay their admission. We will leave the school at 9 Am and return to school at 3:00 PM. Please send in the money for their trip to the classroom teacher.

Yearbooks have arrived and were sent home on Friday, May 20th. We did order a few extra, and if you would like to purchase one, they are $10 each.

The May breakfast and lunch menus can be found below.

8th Grade Graduation
We will hold our annual 8th grade graduation on June 22, 2022 at 5 PM at Innocademy Allegan Campus’ new pergola.