Upcoming Trips and Events:
3rd & 4th Grade LSSU Field Trip
Information was sent home this week with a packing list and arrival time for the LSSU field trip next week. The bus leaves IAC at 6:30 AM on Tuesday morning. Be sure to have your student here before 6:30 and ready to go. Any medications must be given directly to the teacher and a administration form filled out. The bus will return between 9-10 PM Thursday evening. Please check the LSSU field trip Facebook page for updates. All parents of those students have been invited to that facebook page. Please accept the invitation so you can see their adventures during the week.

Zoo Field Tip
Young 5’s – 4th Grade will be attending a field trip to John Ball Zoo on June 8th. The cost is $15 per student and money is due by May 27th.

May Menu

Don’t forget to oreder your 2021/2022 school yearbook. The cost is $10 per book and we expect delivery at the beginning of June.

Gourmet Bake Sale
Every Friday, we will hold a gourmet bake sale. Items cost $2.50 each and all proceeds go towards student field trips.

Upcoming Trips and Events:
Middle School St. Louis Field Trip
Middle school will be taking a charter bus on a field trip to St, Louis on June 6, 7, and 8th.