This Week at IAC

Sock Drive

Be Kind to Your Mind – Support For Anyone and Everyone 

Need a little emotional support? This group may be for you. It’s about unwinding, unburdening, and helping each other persevere in the face of continued COVID-19 distress. Hosted by Stay Well counselors, the group allows you to share your experiences and hear from other Michiganders about theirs.  Free of charge.  Register for one or more sessions at

Bittersweet Ski Club Passes Are HERE!

We are again offering Bittersweet Ski Passes for students (7 + years) and their families (extended families and friends, too! Open to anyone!) through Innocademy and iCademy Global.

Ski passes are a great opportunity for folks to purchase a pass ($27) that acts as a coupon throughout the season, reducing the prices on lift tickets, helmets, and rentals. The pass can be used, repeatedly, at any time throughout the ski season (please read the restrictions on timeframe and days as well as black out holidays), by the pass holder! ANYONE can be part of the ski club…student, parent, family friend. 
​If you are interested, please… 

  1. Read through the attached information
  2. Fill out the attached form for student and/or adult
  3. Secure in an envelope with payment (checks payable to BITTERSWEET SKI RESORT
  5. Return to campus. If you would like to mail the forms and payment via US mail, that is great, too! Please use the information, below:

Attn: Leisa Lobbezoo – Ski Club, iCademy Global, 8485 Homestead Drive, Zeeland, MI 49464

Once we receive the application and payment, there is usually about a 14 school day turnaround for your information to be processed at Bittersweet and passes to be issued so please plan ahead. =)

Just in case you were wondering, “Hmmm…what does Bittersweet usually charge for lift tickets and rentals?”

WITH SKI CLUB PASSES ($27 each pass – every skier must have one to receive the discounts.)

Adult (anyone not still in high school)

  • $31 lift ticket
  • $31 Rentals
  • $10 helmet

Student (7 years old and older)

  • $27 lift ticket
  • $27 rentals
  • $10 helmet rental 
  • + 2 FREE Lessons or NASTAR run 


School Calendar

November Lunch Menu

Covid Information

Pfizer Vaccine Available for 5-11 Year olds – Book an Appointment Today

The Allegan County Health Department (ACHD) will start vaccinating children ages 5-11 years old with the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine on Monday, November 8. The vaccine was authorized and recommended by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) earlier this week. The COVID-19 vaccine for ages 5-11 is child-sized with two small doses. ACHD ordered pediatric COVID-19 vaccine doses and is currently waiting on shipment, which is expected to be received by November 8.

ACHD asks that parents, interested in getting the vaccine for their child, schedule a COVID-19 vaccine appointment ahead of time by visiting Walk-ins will be available during certain periods. ACHD has three planned COVID-19 Vaccine Clinics next week, as follows:

“A COVID-19 vaccine for children aged 5-11 is something that parents have been patiently waiting for,” states ACHD Medical Director, Richard Tooker, MD, MPH. “Children will now have an opportunity to get a COVID-19 vaccine and have another layer of protection against this virus. As the Delta variant continues to circulate and we head into the colder months, vaccinations are an important tool to help reduce children’s risk of severe disease, hospitalizations, or developing long-term COVID-19 complications”

Vaccinating children will help protect them from getting COVID-19 and therefore reducing their risk of severe disease, hospitalizations, or developing long-term COVID-19 complications. Getting your children vaccinated can help protect them against COVID-19, as well as reduce disruptions to in-person learning and activities by helping curb community transmission. 

The dose is child-sized at 1/3 the size of the adult vaccine, and it has shown to be nearly 91% effective during clinical trials. In clinical trials, vaccine side effects were mild, self-limiting, and similar to those seen in adults and with other vaccines recommended for children. The most common side effect was a sore arm. 

ACHD has walk-in and appointment availability at COVID-19 vaccine clinics. Appointments are highly recommended due to increased demand and eligibility. To view upcoming ACHD vaccine clinics visit People can also visit for other providers giving COVID-19 vaccines.