We didn’t have a snow day this week like many other districts, but we had something even better: kindergarteners making snow angels!

Image may contain: 1 person, snow and outdoor
Image may contain: one or more people, snow and outdoor
Image may contain: one or more people, snow, shoes and outdoor

What a great field trip Ms. Michelle’s friends had this week at ODC. They learned mapping skills, how to lead a group, lots of facts and information about owls, and got to see three different types of owls.

Image may contain: one or more people, people dancing, bird and indoor


If you filled out your enrollment commitment form and indicated you will be bringing in a NEW SIBLING in Young 5s – 8th grade, please make sure you FILL OUT THIS LINK TO ENROLL THEM AT INNOCADEMY. This is not necessary for current students. We will simply move them to the next grade level next year.

In addition, we would LOVE your help in passing along info to any families you may know who might be interested in joining us for next year – as a matter of fact, here’s something you could share with them:


As a reminder, attendance is taken twice each day by the teachers. We must report his is information to the State of Michigan. If your child will be absent from school, please email us at iac-attendance@innocademy.com. Students will be marked tardy if they arrive after 8:45.

In addition, if your child(ren) misses school because of a medical appointment, please have the doctor provide a note for our records.


Please enter the pickup line using the east entrance. For the safety of our students, please stay in line. Staff will dismiss students in small groups to their cars as the line moves in front of the school to keep students socially distanced. Our goal is to prevent kids from running into the parking lot without staff supervision and to move the line as quickly as possible. This will help keep as many cars from having to wait on the road as possible. We ask that if you need to chat with a teacher, please pull into the parking spots to keep the flow of traffic moving. Thank you for your cooperation.


We LOVE all of the fun things Ms. Tori has been doing and is planning for our students! As a reminder, students will be outside for both recess and Ms. Tori’s Learning to be Fit class each day that it is not raining hard and the windchill or “feels like” temperature is above 0 degrees. Please help your students dress accordingly.


For those hoping to receive the Covid-19 Vaccination, you may learn more about when you are able to receive the vaccination as well as how to schedule an appointment when the time comes. Please visit THIS LINK .


As we think about Christmas Break and the upcoming holidays, this chart may helpful in assessing the Covid-19 risks associated with different activities.


In the event your child receives a positive COVID diagnosis, please make sure to contact us, immediately. We must continue to update the COVID transparency page on our website and be able to work with the health department in their contact tracing efforts.


As we do each year, for any inclement weather delays or full day cancellations, we will follow the lead of Fennville Public Schools. We will notify our families through our Innocademy Facebook page, WOODTV, WZZM13, as well as an email.

As a reminder, should there be a 2 hour delay, we will begin school at 10:45am, instead of 8:45am. Dismissal will remain at 3:30pm for that day.

Also, we are not planning to flip to remote learning during one-day delays or cancellations. Should there be an extended weather event over the course of several days, and we have the opportunity to prepare for it, we will be in communication with you should we make the decision to transition to remote learning at that point.


The following is our lunch menu; we will continue to keep you updated as the menu builds.

No photo description available.
Image may contain: text that says 'Plzza, baby carrots, fruit, milk February 2021 Lunch Menu Monday Tuesday Wednesday 2 3 3 Chicken Patty Ham and cheese with bun, baked sandwich, chips beans, fruit, and salsa, fruit, milk milk 8 Thursday 4 Mini pancakes, cheese and egg patty, hash brown, fruit, milk 11 Friday 5 Burrito, refried beans, fruit, milk 10 15 NO SCHOOL 12 16 NO SCHOOL 22 17 NO SCHOOL 23 18 NO SCHOOL 24 19 NO SCHOOL 25 26 Daily Choice #2- PB&J Uncrustable or Ham & Cheese, bag of pretzels, cheese stick, veggie, fruit, and milk.'


Mark your calendar and share these dates with friends and neighbors! Feeding America Mobile Food Distribution takes place in the Roosevelt Elementary of Zeeland Public Schools in the west parking lot. This is a drive-thru, no contact distribution. All are welcome. No income guidelines or proof of residency required. Questions can be emailed to  lkamer@zps.org.

The event runs 6:00 pm – 7:00 pm on:

  • January 12
  • February 16
  • March 9
  • April 13

Bittersweet Ski Passes – Virtual and In Person Learners Can Both Take Part!

We are again offering Bittersweet Ski Passes for students (7 + years) and their families (extended families, too!) through Innocademy and iCademy Global.

Ski passes are a great opportunity for folks to purchase a pass ($22) that acts as a coupon throughout the season, reducing the prices on lift tickets, helmets, and rentals. The pass can be used, repeatedly, at any time throughout the ski season (please read the restrictions on timeframe and days), by the pass holder! ANYONE can be part of the ski club…student, parent, family friend. 
​If you are interested, please… 

  1. Read through the attached information – INCLUDING COVID 19 policies
  2. Fill out the attached form for student and/or adult
  3. Secure in an envelope with payment (checks payable to BITTERSWEET SKI RESORT
  5. Return to campus. If you would like to mail the forms and payment via US mail, that is great, too! Please use the information, below:

Leisa Lobbezoo iCademy Global, 8485 Homestead Drive, Zeeland, MI 49464
Once we receive the application and payment, there is usually about a 14 school day turn around for your information to be processed at Bittersweet and passes to be issued so please plan ahead. =)

Just in case you were wondering, “Hmmm…what does Bittersweet usually charge for lift tickets and rentals?”



$32-$57 lift ticket

$30-$35 rentals

$10 helmet rental

WITH SKI CLUB PASSES ($22 each pass – every skier must have one to receive the discounts.)

Adult (anyone not still in high school)

$26 lift ticket

$26 Rentals

$10 helmet

Student (7 years old and older)

$22 lift ticket

$22 rentals

$10 helmet rental 

+ 2 FREE Lessons or NASTAR run


Every year we have an open house or curriculum night where, among other things, we explain how our Title I funds are spent and what it means to be a School-Wide Title school. Because we are unable to meet in person, please CLICK HERE to view a short presentation on Title I. Let Marty know if you have any questions.


Please see below to access the Family Resource Guide: Innocademy Allegan Campus Family Resource Guide 20-21 Download


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