Learn to Be Fit
All students participate in Learn to Be Fit (gym class) on Monday and Tuesday. Students are expected to wear shoes or have shoes to change in to that are meant for outdoor activities. Sandals and flip flops are not appropriate for safety reasons. Beginning after the September break, if students do not have appropriate shoes, we will give them a pair to wear for gym at a $3.00 charge. The shoes will then be theirs to keep. If your child needs shoes for Learn to Be Fit, please email Ms. Katie at katie.wilson@innocademy.com.
IES Family Potluck Picnic
HUGE thanks, again, to Joe Nelis, owner of Dutch Village for hosting our IES Picnic Potluck! We are thrilled to invite families from Precademy, Innocademy Allegan, Innocademy Zeeland and iCademy Global to join us for an evening picnic and fun activities throughout the park on THURSDAY, AUGUST 22ND FROM 6-8PM.
To thank Mr. Joe for opening up the park especially for us – and staffing it for the evening, we do ask that all of our families bring a $10 donation.
Please look for a “bring a dish to pass” sign up genius coming out, soon!
August Lunch Menu
The menu is posted on our website under the “Calendar” section but can also be found by clicking here.
Group Text Signup
In an effort to provide instant communication, we’ve set up a RainedOut account which will send text messages to you. We will only use these texts when we need to notify everyone quickly, such as school closings, bus issues, or any changes in our schedule. It’s easy to use! In order to subscribe, do the following on your phone as if you’re sending a text message by typing … 84483 in the “to” section of messages
InnoAllegan in the “message” section
Bus/Car Rider Sign Up
Because we want to ensure each child is where he/she needs to be at the end of the day, it is very important that you tell you classroom teacher what mode of transportation your child will be taking most of the time and to let the classroom teacher know directly by noon if there is a change. We understand schedules change last minute and that there will be exceptions. However, it’s very difficult for the teachers, as well as your child, not knowing until the end of the day whether he/she is taking the bus or getting picked up. It creates extra anxiety for everyone that can be alleviated with a little planning and early communication. We appreciate your cooperation.
Ms. Becca, our Speech Pathologist at all of our schools, accomplished a major feat this weekend. She swam across the Straits of Mackinac! Because of currents and wind conditions, the trip was somewhere between 4.1 and 5 MILES! What?! Way to go, Ms. Becca!